Are you feeling sad about leaving your large home for a smaller one? Well don’t. It’s time to focus on the positives of downsizing. Downsizing can lead to a new lease of life and health benefits.
There are positives of having to go through all your belongings to work out what you want to take with you.
It’s like a walk through your personal history. The places you’ve been. The family you’ve loved. The fun you’ve had. Whether it’s at Cheltenham races or on a beach in Cornwall or a small island in Greece. It’s fun reliving it all.
Then there’s the joy of discovering things you’d forgotten about. The plate you’d bought in a market in Italy on your 25th wedding anniversary trip. Your favourite winter coat which had been tucked away in the back of the cupboard. The letters you’d received from your loved ones when you’d been apart.
And the joy of being generous. Whether it’s passing on family heirlooms to the next generation. Or donating items to people less fortunate than yourself. Make a conscious decision to pass items you don’t need any more to those who do. It might be rehoming a sofa through Facebook marketplace to a young family. Or donating good quality mattresses to British Heart Foundation or taking old towels to the RSPCA. Nothing feels better than being generous so enjoy it.
Health benefits
Downsizing will certainly reduce the stress in the family. Whether it’s yours or your children’s. And less stress means more opportunity for fun.
Moving to a smaller space will certainly reduce the amount of housework or gardening you have to do. There’s just less stuff to have to wash, clean, tidy and maintain. Reducing this millstone, will rejuvenate your energy for other things. Like having fun.
A decluttered life leads to a less cluttered mind. For those whose thinking skills are not as sharp as they once were, less options means less stress.
Moving away from a house with stairs, reduces the risk of falls and long-term physical damage.
Once the move has been done, use the time you were spending with family or on your own worrying about the move and what to do with everything and start enjoying life again and planning adventures.
And if you’re moving into a new area – make new friends. Throw yourself into the new community and have fun.
The positives of downsizing outweigh the negatives when embraced enthusiastically.
If you don’t have the stress of downsizing is stopping you or a loved one downsizing and you would like a chat about how the Homemover Specialist could help, contact us on 01483 255895 or by email. For more top tips and latest news make sure you follow our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram page
Photo by Joe Hepburn on Unsplash