“We’re moving house before Christmas!” The relief and sheer delight was palpable down the phone – they had exchanged contracts on the house and the completion date was fixed.

But then reality hit. PANIC! “How am I going to manage?”

My answer to her was simple – “It’ll be a piece of cake – let’s start planning”. So, we planned out the next 6 weeks and what needed to be done and when and by whom and that showed her immediately what help she needed in order to stay sane.

For a stress free move – you need the fine art of delegation and organisation.

So, here are my top tips

  1. Picture yourself in your new home, with everything unpacked, the Christmas tree decorated and a roaring fire.
  2. Make a list of everything that needs to be done, and who’s going to do it and by when!
  3. Delegate as much as you can.
  4. Book your removal company NOW.
  5. Book your pets into pet sitters and, depending on their age, get rid of the children for a couple of days over the move.
  6. Write down the names of everyone you need to buy Christmas presents for and buy them before you move. Ask to store these at a friend’s house.
  7. Put all your Christmas decorations in a large clear plastic box so you don’t lose them.
  8. Book friends/family in to come and help unpack the boxes once you’ve moved – you do not want to be exhausted for the big day. Christmas should be fun.


If you are moving before Christmas and would like help with the unpacking and organising your new home, we have a few spaces left in our calendar. We are home move planners and home organisers and take the stresses and strains out of moving house with practical help and offer a brilliant unpacking package.

Call us for more information and a special pre-Christmas offer.

The Homemover Specialist T: 01483 255895 www.thehomemover.co.uk