It’s December – the year has flown by and if you’re anything like me all so many things that were on your 2018 to do list are still firmly there.

So what? You’ve probably done a million other things instead that were more important than those on the list.

But if they’re starting to niggle, you’ve still got a lot of time till Christmas to get things done. Realistically though, your list has probably doubled. So, if you have things on the list that you’d really wanted to get done, the good news is that it’s not too late. You just need to start delegating.

The Homemover’s motto is “Fitting your life into your home”.

So, if on your list there was anything about clearing the attic, the spare room, sorting out the kids’ old clothes, or their toys (before the influx of more), or your unused clothes or organising your filing system so you can find everything – CALL US

You don’t need to be moving house to take advantage of The Homemover team’s skills.

We recently help Dr Angela take back control of her house (4 children including a 6-week-old baby). Afterwards she said “I really loved working with them … they were really really lovely and I couldn’t have done it without them”.

So, call us today and see if we’re the fairy godmother you’ve been looking for all this time.

01483 255895




Photo by Nicole Honeywill on Unspla